[V8] RE:distributor rotors

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Mar 22 11:15:54 EST 2004

Good point here Ryan. It always makes me a little nervous when I read that 
people strike the distributor shaft while it is mounted in the car. In my 
opinion, that is a great big NO NO. The distributors are pretty easy to R&R so 
there is no good reason not to just take them out and work on them on the bench.


Quoting Ryandfreise at aol.com:

> chisel to split the rotor in half. I liked this method as it didn't take
> as 
> much force to break the rotor. This method probably wouldn't work as
> well with 
> the disributors in the car but I had removed them for new seals anyway.

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