[V8] Steering rack hose

Jeremy Ward jward at mti-interactive.com
Fri May 14 19:48:19 EDT 2004

I did this a while back and it was a PITA.  Now having done it before, I
think I could do it muck quicker / easier.  Access and room to maneuver
was the key.  I removed the distributor cap, the coil, and a whole host
of other things to 'make room'.  After that it was trying a bunch of
different tools to get that bugger off of there.  It is a 19mm.  The key
to my victory was a fine toothed, flex-head ratchet.
OL&fromAuto=YES&bidsite=CRAFT&pid=00942794000 (or similar)

The only reason I needed the flex head was to get the socket over the
bolt head.  Once in place, the head was in a normal 90deg with the

The fine tooth is a must in this tight spot.

Things that might also work are flexible sockets:
long extensions, universal joints for your extensions, 19mm crow foot,

Treat each part under the hood carefully as if they cost $50 each (most
of them do).

Most important thing is patience.

Good luck,

- Jeremy

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of David Lyddall
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 8:52 AM
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8] Steering rack hose

Anyone know if it's possible to remove the banjo bolt on the steering
without removing the rack.  Being the slightly clueless person that I
am, I
left a washer out when I replaced the rack, and would really like it to
gushing out fluid whenever I drive the car.


It's the high pressure hose that is missing the washer - I think that is
one closest to the firewall.


Any BTDT would help.




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