[V8] new problem - 4.2Q tranny

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 17 08:20:30 EST 2004

New problem surfaced last night;

First, I noticed that the indicator light for which
gear the tranny was in was no longer lit.  I was
driving around 40mph, so I didn't notice that the car
also seems to be stuck in 3rd gear - lots of slippage
at takeoff and then winds way up - 65mph is over 3,000
rpms.  I can't manually shift the tranny anymore, and
the mode changer also doesn't appear to work.  Is this
the fabbled "limp home" mode?  I'm dropping off the
car today at my long-standing mechanic, who I think is
already fearing the car.

This car is a ball.  Every day I've driven it so far,
something major has happened or broken.  Still love
it, though....

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks in advance!  


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