[V8] WOT - the return! Other minor problems 4.2 V8Q

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 12:41:30 EST 2004

In regard to the rear defrost, on my '90 last weekend, I dug into the
switch itself and the goo that they put in at the factory had become
gum.  I cleaned the devil out of the switch internals with some
electrical contact cleaner, used a small piece of sandpaper to clean
each of the tabs that go in the connector and replaced one of the
illumination bulbs under the button cover.  Works just like new now
and didn't take that long.  Time was surely less than waiting for it
to arrive from any parts source and the cost was nothing more than
some cleaner and the bulb from Autozone, all told about 6-8 bux.  I
did the fog light and abs switched too.  They were all afflicted with
the gum or bulb out syndrome.


On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 05:43:17 -0800 (PST), Carter Johnson
<carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> .....  Neither front or rear defroster works....

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