[V8] Emergency Pentosin ?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Oct 3 21:59:01 EDT 2004

Do NOT use regular PS fluid.   It'll shorten the life of seals in the
entire system, I believe.   Almost any hydraulic oil would be preferrable.
There's a Mobil Oil Co product called DTE-13M that many on the list use as
a substitute.  It's something like $5-7 a gallon if purchased in a
5-gallon pail.

At 09:25 PM 10/3/2004 -0400, bluesgtar at dejazzd.com wrote:
>I have a nasty leak in the power steering system. Unfortunately I am in 
>Oxford Maine and may have difficulty 
>obtaining pentosin to get me and my 93 V8Q back to PA.
>Is there a temporary replacement which would get me 500 miles after which I 
>would purge the system and return to pentosin?
>What would regular PS fluid do to the seals?
>Ralph Cook
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