[V8] Temp Sensor

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 00:03:39 EDT 2004

Different pulley size on a V8?  Won't that change the length of the
t-belt path and foul up the belt adjustment?  Or can it be compensated
for with the tensioning adjustment?  (It's been a while since I did
mine, although it's time for the "new" v8...)


On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 20:26:49 EDT, coultl at aol.com <coultl at aol.com> wrote:
> If it has a larger pulley it will spin more slowly...pump less.  I  wonder if
> the impeller design is different?  The replacement pump I bought  had a
> smaller pulley on it than the OEM one that was on the car.  Is  that Audi's new
> design or did I just get some aftermarket one with a  different sized pulley on
> it?
> -Justin Lewis

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