[V8] Jumping V8Q speedo

David Lancaster davel at netsteward.co.uk
Wed Sep 22 05:39:44 EDT 2004

Can any lister please advise on the following:

While driving, occasionally the speedo needle jumps (around the half-real-speed figure) and the steering warning light comes on.

A sharp tap on the instrument panel 'glass' sometimes clears the fault but occasionally resetting the odometer trip with a healthy push of the button is required to clear the fault.

I have had the instrument panel out several times and cleaned and re-fitted the various connectors. Also I have inspected the tracks and connections on the real of the instrument panel looking for dry joints etc.
All without fixing the problem.

The warning display (which used to show a chequer board like image) also shows nothing now however I still get warning bleeps (for example, when the screen wash level is low).

As it is more than one function at fault - am I looking for a faulty earth/chassis connection or a loom problem?

Thanks in anticipation

David Lancaster
Worcestershire, UK
1990 V8Q 242,000 miles
2003 R32 Golf (not a patch on the V8Q)

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