[V8] Jumping V8Q speedo
dsaad at icehouse.net
dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Sep 22 11:37:40 EDT 2004
I had the speed sender (on the front axle) go bad. It was intermittant for quite
a while but gradually got worse - then un-usable.
If you want to definitively debug this, I drove around with a volt meter on the
signal wire from the sender for a few days. When the signal crapped out, it was
plainly visable on the meter (signal goes to a steady voltage) which proved the
sender was toast.
Keith got me a good used sender for a great price. Maybe he has another.
What is the "steering warning light"?
On the display, I had a similar problem on my old 100. It can possibly be
repaired if you are good at messing with delicate electronic stuff.
The display is a LCD matrix. (32X32 I think) The connections to the LCD are via
conductive rubber strips that are sandwiched between the PC board and the glass
of the display. The LCD bezel clamps this all together. Im my case, I took it
all apart, carefully cleaned things with some "Gold Wipe" cloth cleaners.
(Hi-tech cleaner that I got from work. Be careful what you use. Nothing would be
better than the wrong thing - DO NOT use a pencil eraser)
When I re-assembled the bezel, I put a paper shim between the bezel and the LCD.
It solved the problem.
btw, most if not all LCD panels work this way.
Quoting David Lancaster <davel at netsteward.co.uk>:
> Can any lister please advise on the following:
> While driving, occasionally the speedo needle jumps (around the
> half-real-speed figure) and the steering warning light comes on.
> A sharp tap on the instrument panel 'glass' sometimes clears the fault but
> occasionally resetting the odometer trip with a healthy push of the button is
> required to clear the fault.
> I have had the instrument panel out several times and cleaned and re-fitted
> the various connectors. Also I have inspected the tracks and connections on
> the real of the instrument panel looking for dry joints etc.
> All without fixing the problem.
> The warning display (which used to show a chequer board like image) also
> shows nothing now however I still get warning bleeps (for example, when the
> screen wash level is low).
> As it is more than one function at fault - am I looking for a faulty
> earth/chassis connection or a loom problem?
> Thanks in anticipation
> David Lancaster
> Worcestershire, UK
> 1990 V8Q 242,000 miles
> 2003 R32 Golf (not a patch on the V8Q)
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