[V8] Window problems
urq at pacbell.net
Fri Apr 1 03:26:29 EST 2005
... please don't take this the wrong way ... but are you really prepared to
undertake the projects you're talking about? If you aren't careful you may
do more harm than good. Are you familiar with electrical systems in
automobiles? Do you have service documentation for your car? ... especially
the wiring diagram? Do you know how to read it to understand what it is
telling you and how you can find the connectors and devices inside the car?
The reason I'm asking all this was based on reading the last paragraph you
posted below.
There are some fairly straightforward things you can do to try to find the
culprit for your window problem. IME the switches are the number one
candidate ... especially since all of the windows except the driver's door
have to go through two switches in series to move the window ... and even a
switch that is in the rest position may cause a problem. The second most
likely culprit is the window motor itself ... do you hear unusual grinding
sounds? If so, the drive cable may be close to failing. You can check this
by pulling off the door panel and watching the window move up and down. The
next possibility is that one of the wiring looms going between the body of
the car and a door is damaged. This is what the others are warning you
about. The wiring inside the door itself does not move around much, and so
does not have a high likelihood of failure. The accordion boots can be
pulled back by detaching them at the body of the car ... they have a lip
that latches it into place around the periphery of the hole in the body
panel ... and sometimes they can be a PITA to reattach! The driver's door
has the most wires ... and is probably the door opened and closed the most,
so as such is the most likely to have a problem; but all doors and even the
trunk lid have had issues caused by wires broken due to the repeated flexing
of opening and closing. If this has happened it is usually pretty obvious
... if you see an nicely wrapped bundle of wires under the boot it is
probably OK ... but if you see the tape wrapping the bundle is torn up and
the insulation on the wires is cracking and exposing bare copper (or worse,
wire(s) have actually broken) then you need to address them. Notice that
you don't need to pull a door panel to check for this ... the boot is
accessible when the door is opened.
So, my heartiest recommendation is to see if you can't find a lister in your
area who is willing to help you do a bit of troubleshooting in person. It
is very likely that they will have a copy of the wiring diagram in one form
or another as well.
Happy hunting!
Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> I have discovered that there is a few problems perhaps you or somebody
> else can tell me if these share a common ground and perhaps that ground
> is not working? I dont know though its odd there is power to 3/4 windows
> on drivers side and Right/Left rear windows work. The Passenger window
> does not work by the switch on drivers side and only goes down by
> passenger side it goes in and out of working. As well it will sometimes
> but rarely go up as well. Its highly erratic and does not really make
> alot of sense on why it is doing this. Memory seats do not work either I
> am trying to figure this one out too do people have problems with these
> as well?
> Anyway here is my questions, I looked into the drivers door panel but
> its so small there I dont really see how I can see the wires also its
> wrapped in that tape stuff so how do I get beyond that with the tight
> tolerances in there. The boot in the door jam how do you get access to
> the inside of that? I want to locate this phantom wire that is causing
> the ground to be erratic. I assume this is what it is? If you have any
> ideas of how to get in there or how you did it as I hear people have
> searched inside these and found this wire problem. I tore apart the
> switches and cleand them.
> There is a odd note about the memory seats I learned that they are
> linked to the central locking system... well I yanked off all the
> drivers side stuff this includes the locking switch on the drivers side
> door I figured I should check in there for the wire that is a problem to
> no avail I could not find a way to inspect it all closely anyway. But as
> I plugged it all back in the mirrors/locks/memory seats are all linked
> so something blew the fuse that was in there. I am wondering if this is
> a problem with the memory seats and how I would test this to make sure.
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