[V8] G60 Brake Swap
daves745t at optonline.net
Wed Aug 17 08:06:39 EDT 2005
Thanks Dave -
I did a bit more reading and research. For my driving style with this car the UFOs are perfectly adequate. I've had no complaints whatsoever at the stopping power. The rotors are in good shape and I'll just budget the money for new ones when the time comes. Fast fade and poor wet performance are not what I'm looking for. Thanks for the insight.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Coleman, David" <David.Coleman at blackrock.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 1:24 am
Subject: Re: [V8] G60 Brake Swap
> You'll get two types of responses: leave the ufos or go whole hog
> and convert to porsche brakes. I had g60s and upgrading to 996
> calipers was the best thing I've done. I've never had the
> priviledge of ufo brakes, but from my understanding I doubt I
> wouldve made any change had my car been so equipped.
> G60s fade too fast and suck in the wet. The ufos are a general
> pain not suffered with a more conventional setup. If you're going
> to go thru the trouble, do it right and chec out bira.com
> Let me know if you'd like more specific details.
> DaveC
> 91 V8 5speed 4.2
> Bira 996 brakes
> --------------------------
> David A. Coleman
> BlackRock
> Sent via BlackBerry Wireless
> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces+david.coleman=blackrock.com at audifans.com <v8-
> bounces+david.coleman=blackrock.com at audifans.com>To: Audifans V8
> <V8 at audifans.com>Sent: Wed Aug 17 00:20:18 2005
> Subject: [V8] G60 Brake Swap
> Was considering the G60 Front Brake Swap -
> does it require any mods to the suspension,
> ie struts? What is general consensus
> on whether it is worth doing?
> -DaveM
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