[V8] G60 Brake Swap

Unka Bart gatorojo at earthlink.net
Wed Aug 17 09:20:03 EDT 2005


You might consider ECS Stage2 Big Brake Kit - (Red Porsche 993TT  
Caliper, 314mm 1-piece Euro Slotted A8 Rotor) ES#717; Fits all cars the  
have G60 front calipers.  This is what I put on the Gentleman's  
Express, and at $1499, BIRA can't touch the price.  Plus you don't have  
the restrictions that BIRA imposes on you.  BTW, following Keith  
Tackett's advice, I ordered Mintex Red pads (no extra cost) for quieter  
braking.  I couldn't be happier.

Scroll down at least 3/4 page on both of the following URLs


Although ECS states that their kit fits all cars with G60s, I went to  
17" wheels for extra insurance (plus the Flik Lexx wheels are much  
lighter (17.5# ea) than the stock or alternative choices).  Price ain't  
bad either, $150/wheel.  Again, Keith's excellent advice paid off.


(see the gentleman's express at  

On Aug 17, 2005, at 12:24 AM, Coleman, David wrote:

> You'll get two types of responses: leave the ufos or go whole hog and  
> convert to porsche brakes. I had g60s and upgrading to 996 calipers  
> was the best thing I've done. I've never had the priviledge of ufo  
> brakes, but from my understanding I doubt I wouldve made any change  
> had my car been so equipped.
> G60s fade too fast and suck in the wet. The ufos are a general pain  
> not suffered with a more conventional setup. If you're going to go  
> thru the trouble, do it right and chec out bira.com
> Let me know if you'd like more specific details.
> DaveC
> 91 V8 5speed 4.2
> Bira 996 brakes
> --------------------------
> David A. Coleman

> Subject: [V8] G60 Brake Swap
> Was considering the G60 Front Brake Swap -
> does it require any mods to the suspension,
> ie struts? What is general consensus
> on whether it is worth doing?
> -DaveM

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