[V8] Drippy oil pressure lines

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Fri Aug 19 16:48:54 EDT 2005

At 01:03 PM 8/19/2005 -0600, dsaad at icehouse.net wrote:

>And on those OEM hose clamps -
>they can be a real PITA to get on right. I really believe they are a better
>clamp than a generic hose clamp because they don't damage the hose at all, but
>the screw part gets bound up with age. Put a little WD-40 or something on the
>screw before you install and you have a much better chance of getting it
>properly tightened.

The screw part corrodes because it's plain steel.  I replace every Audi
hose clamp I take off with an all-stainless marine hose clamp (same
nonperforated strap that doesn't cut into hoses).  I pay through the nose
for them at West Marine's local outlet, but at least I can go there and get
a clamp right now.

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