[V8] Ecu codes, cats

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Wed Aug 31 09:33:41 EDT 2005

Climate control seems good -- heats and cools as expected.  Why?  

Doesn't the CC vac line hook up at the rear of the motor, under/next to
the intake?  These lines connect to spubbies up in the front corner of
the right side cylinder head.

> How's the climate control working?
> That sounds like the hose that provides vacuum to the CC.

> > And, what is that black plastic piece in-line with the the 1/4 and
> 3/8 vac lines that come out of and go into the font of the r/s head?
> Mine's dangling unsecured under the expansion tank. Lots of vacuum
> suction at the 1 cm hole in it..

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