[V8] DTC Scanner

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 1 11:52:23 EST 2005

I just purchased the latest Ross-Tech scanner the Hex-USB+CAN and I also have the 4x4 adaptor for non ODB-II cars (like the V8). I need this scanner to also work on the wife's allroad.
I pulled up the carpet on #3 and saw an array of 4 connectors.  Each end of the 4x4 connector is indexed to only work on the corresponding connector.  The first onboard connector is power is unique and other 3 connectors are of the same style connector. 
How is the scanner used?
Do I mate the power connector and then test each of the 3 connectors individually?  Can I access multiple control modules with one connector? Or is each connector specific to a particular control module?
Does anyone have experince with the Ross-Tech scanner that can share your experinces using this device?  I want to hold a troubleshooting session this weekend (Ed K.!)

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