[V8] RE: V8 Digest, Vol 16, Issue 5

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at downeast.net
Wed Feb 2 08:28:25 EST 2005

Yup.  Yup, yup, yup.  I really did say all of that!  And back several
years ago, after selling my '87 928S4 and hearing a while later that the
car had had its engine completely destroy itself when the center thrust
bearing failed (supposedly), I said that I would NEVER buy a Porsche 928
again, especially an automatic.

Then last September while I was cruising around the web, I "found" an
interesting 928S4 on eBay.  The car was in Pittsburg, and had an
interesting history, and a complete maintenance record.  Mostly it was
an intriguing color combination and one that I had never seen before.

My wife was passing the study about that time, and I invited her to see
the pictures.  Now, you must understand that my wife doesn't know the
difference between a brake pad and a brillo pad, but she IS an artist,
and responds to color and shape.  Immediately she asked if we could buy
it...and then asked what it was.  I told her emphatically, not only NO,
but hell NO....

The next morning she awoke before I, and the first thing she told me was
that she was thinking about "that car on eBay..."  So we began to watch
the auction.

The last day of the auction, with about two hours to go, we decided to
make ONE bid.  The car wasn't brining the money that I though it would
bring, so I felt pretty safe: my bid would NOT last the auction, surely.

Well.......it did, and we now own a 1988 Porsche 928S4 that according to
the Porsche Certificate of Authenticity is Carmel or some such brown
color and has light linen interior with carmel piping.  AFTER I bought
it, the selling dealer told me a little bit of the cars history.  It was
a two owner car, and the first owner, so the story goes, was Bernie
Kosar.  Surely someone on this list remembers who he was!  (The car is
pretty much the color of a football, incidentally).

And then there was my flirtation with a BMW 850.  One of the big reasons
that I decided that that car might be interesting and possible to own,
is that my mechanic is a former BMW Master Tech who was trained on the
850, so service would not be an issue.  The nearest BMW dealer is 150
miles away in Portland, so service is a problem.  The Porsche will be
worked on by this same guy, and although he has little experience with
Porsche 928, I did arm him with a complete set of repair manuals and
voluminous other documentation on CD, bought through the extensive 928
web network.  Incidentally, the 928 Owners Club on the web is much like
this group:  a fountain of information about these cars.  (If anyone is
interested:  www.928oc.org)  And if you go there, read the 928
Journal...the issues are very old now, but it is going to be rejuvenated
in a sort of blog format (I'm the Editor-at-large), and fairly soon
another chapter in the saga of Adriana Barrows will appear (I finally
got clearance to continue the story.)

So with the advent of the second, "I'll NEVER do that again" Porsche,
the 12-cylinder BMW receded into the far background.  One of the
justifications of course, is that in the case of Porsche, as we all
know, "there is no substitute".  Probably the other justification is
that with V8's, once bitten by the Porsche bug, you never quite find a


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 22:35:57 -0500
From: Charles Wurts <cwurts12 at mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: [V8] RE: replacing the V8 with a...a....a....a....
To: V8 <v8 at audifans.com>
Message-ID: <8CA72B3E-74CB-11D9-B773-000A95CD7CD8 at mindspring.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Apologies in advance, particularly since Keith just poked you while you 
were lying down, but I can't resist quoting you about this time last 

".....So now, I am thinking fond thoughts about a 12 cylinder BMW 
coupe, repleat
with all the electronic gizzies that the elves in the Black Forest can 
up, while they are chewing on those funny roots or things that grow 
the BMW Werks......"

PS - The gyrations of a car guy are particularly entertaining when 
others have visibility.  I suffer from the same problem, within the 
confines of quattros.  "Yes, I do have a problem, I am a quattro junky" 
  Bring on the Avant TDI quattros!!!!!

On Feb 1, 2005, at 4:29 PM, Roger M. Woodbury wrote:

> BMW?
> Uh, no thanks.
> Nope.  No BMW's ever again.
> Besides they don't even look like German cars.  They look more like
> results of a bad hair day in a Japanese design studio.
> And besides, without I won't have another car as a daily driver
> Quattro or at least some sort of all wheel drive.  In this part of the
> world with studded tires on all wheels of a two wheel drive car you
> "live" without Quattro, but what would be the point?
> Roger

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