[V8] replacing the V8 - BMW?
Carter Johnson
carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 2 08:46:17 EST 2005
Roger -
Your base for judging all BMW's is the (underpowered
but fun to drive) 1600, the (decent but rustly) 2002,
the (overpriced and underpowered) 320i, and the
(underengineered) 528E?
I'm sorry, but there is a lot that's happened since
1984. If I remember correctly, 45,000$ would have
gotten you a 1983 Turbo Quattro Coupe - one of the
most expensive, complexe production cars at the time -
that would have unceremoniously chewed up and spit out
all of its electricals. Objectivity, my man,
objectivity. Your psychosis is surpassed only by Alfa
Romeo owners, who are unable to admit that it's been
nearly 70 years since Alfa did something really good
:-). And funky Japenese design studios? The new
Audis look like Dodge Ram pickups from the front.
The E39 - a muscular, good looking V8 sedan (much like
ours) is a great choice in the used market, even in
Automatic - but also available with 6 forward gears
(much unlike ours). And what's this 2nd gen. Supra
lookalike 8-Series lusting I've heard about??????
You've been caught cheating.....!!!!
1993 V8, 1986 Coupe GT (hiding in the garage through
the snow with the M5, the 944 Turbo S, the 280SL, and
the Bentley 3/4.5 open tourer....)
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