[V8] back from the timing belt grave - 1993 V8 Quattro

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 3 08:26:39 EST 2005

It's back....

Reaplced oil breather hoses, oil change, new filter,
timing belt, rollers, water pump, thermostat, and
fuses for the fan.  Whoever had the car before me did
funky things to the wiring.  They tried to override
the heat switch on the fan, and installed a switch
under the dash to manually start the fan.  Interesting
stuff.  Car runs well, we got some of the crap/oil
residue out of the top of the engine, and the new
breather hoses were badly needed, as was the air
filter.  Car runs well again, quite fast.  Big change
from the 99 A4 1.8TQ that I was driving!  Like, stuff
doesn't work, and things rattle, and the doors squeak,
and the radio squeals, but oh....man!  That engine is
so cool......


W. Carter Johnson
University of Rhode Island
401-874-4947 office
401-699-3994 cell

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