[V8] Re: V8 stall downhill in gear
Ingo Rautenberg
i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Wed Jan 5 16:12:35 EST 2005
Hmm. Another idea is to check the operation (or lack thereof) of the Idle
stabilizer. Unplug it and see if there is a difference. Of course, then
you'll likely find it works just fine because now your V8 is stalling ALL
the time ;-) with it unplugged.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Barbera" <barberat at yahoo.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: [V8] Re: V8 stall downhill in gear
> Yes, in fact, when the engine stalls, the dashlights
> do come on even if the clutch is engaged and in gear.
> This actually happened to me a few times with the
> clutch engaged. All other times, the car stalled
> immediately when I disengaged the clutch. Obviously
> whith the clutch engaged, the engine is still turning,
> but the ignition quits.
> I'm starting to think it is a TPS issue, I'll have to
> get my multimeter out this weekend and do some
> diagnostics. Not sure what else could cause a problem
> like this. The trip computer does in fact go to
> infinity without throttle, however. Does the trip
> computer get this info from the TPS? If so, the TPS
> must be working. Any more ideas? Thanks for the
> input guys.
> Tom B.
> '91 V8 5spd, runs great except downhill
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