[V8] V8 crankshaft bolt pattern

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 6 12:29:40 EST 2005

My thought on the bolt up was this,
     1" plate to mount to motor, holes to be countersunk 1/2" to
accomodate socket head cap screws, then Drill&tap holes for transmission
mate.  Same stuff on crank, exept I may leave the flex plate so that there
are enough teeth for the computer/starter, and the pin for reference is
right, then bolt a <1" Thk coupler in the same fashion as the engine/
transmission plate with the countersunk holes - and bearing fit for pilot.
 I may also add 4 holes in the flywheel + spacers where the torque
converter used to bolt up so that the flex plate is rigid enough.  I don't
think it will cause any problems with balance because it is going to be
small in diameter.  If I get really lucky the flywheel on the trooper will
have the same # of teeth and bolt pattern, and so will the bellhousing! -
there is no way I'm that lucky.


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