[V8] Transplants

Michael Larosa Jr Mc.Larosa at Sun.COM
Fri Jan 7 07:56:12 EST 2005

S_Matus wrote:
> I thought that there was a Federal Law that states, you cannot replace the engine of a vehicle with one which was not originally offered by the manufacturer.  What is the real story about this law?  What year did it go into effect?  Is it still in effect?  What is the wording of it?
> I'm sure this had to do with emissions. But if you take a 1986 Chrysler K car and put in a 1.8T, I'm sure it would pass emissions.  But if you take a 2001 allroad and put in a Chevy 454, I doubt it would pass emissions.(or even fit under the bonnet)
> Does anyone know about this law?
> Scott.

no emissions check in NH :)

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     _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/     _/      Mike LaRosa
    _/      _/    _/  _/_/   _/       TSE - HAS
   _/_/_/  _/    _/  _/  _/ _/        1617 Southwood Drive
      _/  _/    _/  _/   _/_/         Nashua, NH 03063
_/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/     _/
   S U N                              Phone: 781/442-1250
   S E R V I C E S                    Fax: 781/442-5488
                                      Email:mc.larosa at sun.com

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