[V8] Windshield Replacement

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Jan 11 18:24:03 EST 2005

Dealers don't do glass, they farm it out and throw on a very hefty margin
for their troubles.  The last V8Q windscreen a local Qlister replaced was
$250, installed, by a local glass company, don't remember if it was the
original Sigla glass or PPG.  Glass prices have been steadily going down,
when they were new, the Sigla glass alone was around $1200 for the V8Q. 
I recently had to get a rear glass from Mercyless Benz, rear hatch glass
for '87 300TD (124 body), junk yard wanted $250 with
shipping......Mercedes sent me a brand new one in the box for $238.00,

You'll find that most people on this list have no idea what dealer
service charges for anything....that's why we're here!  Aside from the
occasional "dealer only" items (many a dealer parts dept will give
listers 20% or more off list price) I'd rather visit the dentist than
have a dealer touch my car(s).

Best thing to do is to call around to one or two glass replacement places
and see what they get in your area.  In states like mine, where glass is
covered by insurance (no deductible, no questions asked), the glass
companies love self-pay customers and give them good deals, the insurance
companies pay them a flat $40 install per windshield and always opt for
the cheapest glass...which IF a problem develops, the glass company has
to replace on their dime.


daves745t at optonline.net writes:
> Currently checking out a 90 V8Q that has a cracked windshield. Any 
> idea what a dealer would charge? Are there aftermarket alternatives 
> and what should I expect to pay. Thanks!

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