[V8] Windshield Replacement

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Tue Jan 11 18:42:12 EST 2005

... I had the windshield on #344 replaced by my insurance company last
year ... They called in Safelite ... the job was done in my driveway,
the replacement windshield is the same Sigla unit the factory installed.
The biggest issue on the install was attaching the trim piece without
breaking the glass.  The guy who did the install on my car was a
gentleman from northern Europe ... Holland I believe ... he really liked
to see the V8 and asked me a lot about it.  He did a fantastic job, and
even used the "expensive" adhesive that is supposed to be spec'ed by
Audi.  What he told me was that per the insurance company he was not
supposed to use this adhesive, but I don't know if he was feeding me a
line or not ...  

My recollection is a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure he told me that if I
weren't using the insurance the job still would have been less than $300

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> Currently checking out a 90 V8Q that has a cracked 
> windshield. Any idea what a dealer would charge? Are there 
> aftermarket alternatives and what should I expect to pay. Thanks!

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