[V8] I know this must have been beaten to death and . . .

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 19 08:40:35 EST 2005

DaveM "daves745t at optonline.net" wrote:
> I can practically see eyes rolling, but I can't figure out 
> whether or if the archives can be searched. 

<rolls eyes>
You can search directly from www.audifans.com, using the
Google search box.  You can also search the site directly
from Google itself, by entering "site:www.audifans.com"
into the search string.   For example, to search the site
for info on the V8 timing belt, try:

     V8 "timing belt" site:www.audifans.com

Putting "timing belt" in quotes means it will search
for those words as a group, ignoring instances where
timing and belt do not appear together (e.g., timing
light; seat belt).

Also works great on other sites that don't provide a
search button. :)

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" is no more

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