[V8] reference sensor and rpm sensor replacement?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Jan 28 20:14:38 EST 2005

I did mine on jackstands, lying on my back.  I have fat, short arms.  I
couldn't get a hand between the exhaust plumbing and still manipulate a
wrench with socket to loosen the  bolts that holds the heat shield and
sensors in place.  I ended up using a (I think it is) 10 mm box end wrench
duct-taped to a longer small wrench to be able to get to it.  

Looking at the assembly when I had the car on a rack and was standing
rather than lying on my back, I could see how I could get better access
that way and probably could swing a wrench.  If I were still attempting
this on my back, a gear wrench might be the right tool.  

You have to pull the intake covers/air filter holder anyway to get to the
electric connectors, so you may find you can reach in from the top to
loosen the bolts.  Some have said that was their approach.

At 05:47 PM 1/28/2005 -0500, Z1 Performance wrote:
>I'll keep it simple - am I going to be here all night doing both of these?  
>Any tricks or a writeup posted anyplace?  Thanks guys!

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