[V8] A8 advice sought

FBFISH at aol.com FBFISH at aol.com
Wed Jul 20 21:17:49 EDT 2005

John- I too owned a 1990 V8 (bought used) and in 1998 bought a 1998 A8(used). 
The maintenance load on the V8 was ramping up and I opted to sell the V8 and 
buy the A8. The V8 was in great condition, but shortly after I sold it the new 
owner began having serious problems. Some I think  were shop induced, the 
others were just age related. On the A8 so far I have had to replace plugs, 
battery, brake pads, the coolant expansion tank, and clean the cowl and AC 
evaporator drains. I do get spurious codes every now and then, which I can clear with 
VAG COM. FWIW, I do not regret the decision.
Frank Santoro
1990 V8 (gone but not forgotten)
1998 A8

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