[V8] Urban Legend?

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Jul 28 12:40:24 EDT 2005

Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> writes:
> air pollution coming through the HVAC system to your windshield 
> vents.

Plausable, but doesn't explain the sometimes thick film you get when a
car has been parked for a while.  You get the same film in cars equipped
with hepa filters too.  I conjecture it's mostly dust.  Everything
probably gets coated evenly, you only notice it on the windshield.  The
origin of the dust is suspect, pixie dust or gremlin dandruff gets my
vote... ;-)

Developer: Someone who wants to build a house in the woods.
Ecologist: Someone who has already built his house in the woods.

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