[V8] Sensor Question

Charles Wurts cwurts12 at mindspring.com
Fri Jun 3 22:06:46 EDT 2005

Sounds to me like the crank position sensor first.  Then it sounds like 
it could be a few possibilities regarding the stalling/surging.  I 
would start with the crank position sensor AND the speed sensor "while 
you are in there."   They are next to each other.  There are a few 
posts a few back on this subject.  Then I would move forward in the 
trouble shooting.
On Jun 3, 2005, at 9:43 PM, Jason Carey wrote:

> Audifans,
> Help! I have been experiencing what I would describe as
> the "warm start" problem.  Justs cranks without firing after
> being driven. Wait 15 minutes and she fires right up.
> So in denial of this I have just been letting it idle when I
> am stopping for a short period.  However, it just stalled
> while idleing.  I waited 15 minutes and it fired up but then
> as I was driving it began to stall.  I would push the
> accelerator to the floor and it would surge back to life,
> then begin to stall again.  About five times it surged and
> then it smoothed out an ran proper.
> Do these sound like the cylinder #1 and speed sensors from
> June 2 post?  Are there other canidates with similar
> symptoms?
> Please send correct Sensor Names or Part #'s and any advice
> (or the fiche #) for the PITA install.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> 90 V8Q on the brink of 150K.
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