[V8] Window problems

Greg Furstenwerth slicerdicer at comcast.net
Sun Mar 27 15:41:11 EST 2005

Ohh sorry forgot to mention. If you go to drivers side test the wires
with a multimeter there and get voltage on both sides then more than
likely its the switch. You can take it apart and clean the contacts I
used a strait edge razor. You can try this as well be careful when
opening the switch not to break the housing though use small screwdriver
or something.

Greg Furstenwerth
93 V8 Q
North Bend, WA

Greg Furstenwerth wrote:

>I was planning on doing this till I realised that drivers side switch
>was non-oem so swapped that with the passenger side one and whiz bang it
>Peter A. Green wrote:
>>Armed with a printout from my 'Bentley's, a Volt/Amps/Ohm meter, the suggestions from the e-mails to Greg I decided to tackle my non-operating passenger side window.
>>+12v appears on pin 4 of the switch
>>ground appears on pin 5 BUT,
>>there is open circuit on pin 3 (which should also be at ground).
>>As a quick fix.... can I join pins 3 and 5 giving a common ground.  It seems an obvious fix... however I have learnt that nothing is obvious on the Pear!
>>Any BTDT experience or suggestions gratefully received.
>>'90 V8Q Pearl
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