[V8] Re: [Marketplace] Wanted: QUESTION re V8 Rear Diff

Dave Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Thu Mar 31 17:20:53 EST 2005

Jack it up, spin the tire one revolution and count how many times the 
pinion turns.

Don Waechter wrote:

>Section:  Wanted
>Title:    QUESTION re V8 Rear Diff
>Price:    0.00
>Location: ns canada
>Date:     March 31, 2005
>Contact:  Don Waechter
>Email:    blackrock at ns.sympatico.ca
>Phone:    902-678-1607
>I'm having a heck of a time figuring out which rear diff is in my 1990 V8Q.  Supposedly there's either a green or yellow painted mark on them to distinguish gear ratios.  Part nunmbers are the same for all 5-6 different ones apparently, meaning they all fit, but you have to have the right gear ratio.  So far I can only see 80% of the rear diff even with mirrors and lights, that is without removing it.  All I get is a mark.. AXZ21051 but I'm told this is not enough info. If you can tell me where the paint mark is, I'd appreciate it.
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