[V8] 3.6 in an Audi 90

DasWolfen at aol.com DasWolfen at aol.com
Wed May 11 12:10:39 EDT 2005

In a message dated 5/11/05 11:46:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jward.v8 at gmail.com writes:

One  thought he had was that the ECU is expecting a signal from the
TCU, but it  is not installed now that the car is a 5spd.  I asked him
to follow  Scott's instructions to blink the trouble codes and am
waiting to hear what  he says.

 The 3.6 Motronic doesn't receive any signals from the TCU. Pin 3 of  the 
Motronic gives the ground to trigger the fuel pump relay only when the  ignition 
is on. If this isn't happening then he doesn't have all the ground and  power 
supply connections made to the Motronic.
  It also explains the no spark condition since the Motronic isnt  trying to 
trigger the coils...or the injectors...and so forth and so on.
 I just did this swap into a 1990 200q, I missed a switched power  connection 
on my first attempt.
 I can't give pinout information since I integrated the 14pin coastal  
connections into the 200's harness to aid later troubleshooting.

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