[V8] FSBO: 90 V8Q - Lebanon, Pa. 17042

Etdmail@cs.com Etdmail at cs.com
Thu Oct 6 13:52:01 EDT 2005

 Hi Oliver
 Thanks for posting a notice about selling your V8Q.
 Sounds you have done quite a bit to keep her up.

 What colors is she? .. Do you have any pix?
 What will you be wanting to get for it price wise?

 Thanks in advance,
 In a message dated 10/6/05 8:48:20 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  
 osgruber at comcast.net writes:

> Message: 4
>  Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 00:59:53 -0400
>  From: "Oliver Gruber" <osgruber at comcast.net>
>  Subject: [V8] Boge Turbo Gas Shocks
>  To: <v8 at audifans.com>
>  Hi all,
>  Well that time has come that I have been dreading for quite some time.
>  Due to a newly expanded family, I need part with my 90V8. Though it is
>  still a great car, it can no longer carry everyone at once. I guess that
>  Audi never aimed their design team at the issue of fitting three car
>  seats across.
>  I bought it when we lived in Denver Colorado in 1997 and it has carried
>  us across the country twice and never let me down. It was purchased with
>  72,000 on the clock and currently has 196,000. It's starting to have a
>  few electrical gremlins pop up from time to time - such as Low Oil
>  Pressure though the gage has never dipped below 5 bar (unless it's over
>  100 and in traffic then it goes to just below the 5). Sometimes the Tach
>  stops working for a few minutes but always pops back up. 
>  Still looks great, from 15 feet away. No body damage but the paint is
>  faded. New Hydraulic hoses (all three) 2000 miles ago. New Hydraulic
>  pump in the last two years. New windshield this July. New Front Pads in
>  August. Five New Yokahama AVS dB S2's from the Tire-rack in May. New
>  Transmission (not Rebuilt) at 145,000. The first Transmission died a
>  tragic death when a hard line to the ATF cooler in the radiator parted
>  and bled the poor beast dry. Engine still runs strong with NO smoke. Had
>  the Timing Belt completely done at 173,000 at Audi Connection in VA.
>  Every thing that could be or should be replaced was replaced. 
>  I know that It is not as pristine a copy as some of you might have but I
>  cannot bear the though of selling it to some 17 year old and let it be
>  beaten to death. Its not going to get a lot of money, from someone off
>  the street, that doesn't know about these cars and its not going to get a
>  lot from someone who does. If someone needs a second car or a winter
>  ride, it would be great for that. I might even think about parting it
>  out if there is enough interest down that avenue. Let me know what you
>  guys think and I'll go from there.
>  Oh yea, I have a full set of Boge Turbo Gas Shocks that I purchased from
>  Bruce at Audi Connection This spring and never got around to installing.
>  Still in the box and ready to ship. They cost me over $500.00 including
>  shipping when I got them, I'd ask $400.00 for the set.
>  The car is in Lebanon, Pa. 17042 
>  Thanks,
>  Oliver

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