[V8] Simple TB Change

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 7 09:38:17 EDT 2005

Good point Jeff,
It all depends on how you install them. If you try to put them on the engine 
with the belt on, this would be a problem. Not just due to manufacturing 
differences. Also, due to the belt stretching in 60k miles.

If you install them without the TB on, as Kneale did, this is not a problem. 
His was a problem of valves hitting pistons. Had to back the crank timing 
off a bit, then die the pass lock plate.
BTW, this is the procedure called for in the manual. I still think I'd try 
to put the locks in with the belt on. But then, maybe I'd learn why they say 
to do it the other way. I don't have the experience, as I didn't use the 

Tony Hoffman

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Goldberg" <gold123 at ntelos.net>
To: "@V8 list" <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: [V8] Simple TB Change

> If the cam pulleys are tight how do you properly tension the section of 
> belt
> between the cams?  It would seem possible that manufacturing differences
> from one belt to the next could allow the cams to roll slightly when the
> engine is first run if the pulleys are not allowed to rotate independent 
> of
> the cams when the belt is tensioned.  This may be why listers are finding
> cams slightly out of sync when trying to install cam locking plates.
> Jeff
>> I don't understand why everyone spends so much time with the
>> cam locks and,
>> worse yet, taking off the cam sprockets.
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