[V8] TB cover and others

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sat Oct 8 19:56:28 EDT 2005

The plates go in flush.  If you have a gap, you haven't got them set in place.

You have to get that bolt out.  There ain't much room for a tool.  Real
PITA.  The alternator bolt passes through the passenger side cover.

If you have the timing chain gear marks facing eachother, you're OK.

You're not supposed to install the cam locks until the belt is off the cam

The dots on the timing chain gears are the ultimate indication of proper
alignment.  You want to put the new belt on the loose cam pulleys with the
dots facing eachother,  the locker plates in place and the crankshaft
damper TDC mark aligned with the indicator.

At 04:59 PM 10/8/2005 -0600, John Dodd wrote:
>Hi guys
>1.I managed to fit in the cam locks. Just not sure if they are in all
>the way. Right now there is a space of about 2 mm between the plates and
>the body.(where the distributor was)
>   Do they go in flash or not ?
>2. I cannot remove the TB cover passenger side.
>Is it necessary to remove the alternator ?
>If yes I just couldn't loosen the bolt on the back of the alternator
>.Must be  30000ft-b.
>3. I removed the valve covers since they were leaking and I looked at
>the 2 dots on the cam gears that are supposed to line up.
>    They are lined up (facing each other)but this line is tilted at an
>angle in other words they do not line up in a horizontal position.I
>assume it's OK.
>4. After installing the cam locks , they were partially tighten, then I
>moved the crank from TDC (about 5 degrees) to test if  the cam locks
>were engaged 
>    The sprockets  did move a little . I quickly  backed up to TDC and
>the belt is now under more tension than before .Could my timing be
>screwed up now ?
>    Or can I rely on the 2 dots on the cam gears. They are still nicely
>facing each other.
>Any ideas ?
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