[V8] R&R steering wheel and air bag

Mike Arman armanmik at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 9 13:22:09 EDT 2005

Visited the U-pull-it today on another "mission" and lo and behold 
here is a 1989 90 with a flawless steering wheel and air bag, even 
already removed and just lying in the seat - so I bought it as the 
steering wheel in my 90 V8 is looking a bit tatty.

I understand the wheel is the same part - (it sure looks the same, so 
far), and the air bag is 443 951 525 G.

Do these parts interchange, or are they going onto eBay?

If they DO interchange, what is the correct procedure to R&R the air 
bag and steering wheel without having it blow up in my face or throw 
strange codes that I will have to take my car to the evil dealer to 
clear? (Of course, we don't actually have ANY dealer around here . . . )

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
90 V8Q
It isn't just a car, it's an ADVENTURE!  

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