[V8] V8....what? Again!

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at adelphia.net
Mon Oct 10 08:43:12 EDT 2005

Well, I'm bidding.  There is a V8 on eBay that I couldn't help but look at.

It is a '93 with relatively "good" miles, and it is one of the "right" color
combinations.  This one is white with black, and looks very clean.  That's
the good part.

The bad part is that it is at a used car place in New Jersey, which
basically violates all my normal cautions:  the car came from an auction,
and has only one key, which might or might be a big, yellow flag.  But the
pictures are really good.  

Right now, I am trying to decide whether or not to pay for a Carfax report
to check the records more closely.  

This is absolutely the wrong time for me to buy another ANYTHING:  it is
coming onto winter and I do not have enough garage space for another car; I
do not want to register another vehicle this year; I really shouldn't, and
probably can't afford to buy another project car at this point, as I haven't
finished getting the 928 100% functional yet.  Given a few more minutes, I
can probably think of another dozen reasons why I shouldn't even be looking
at another V8.  

But the truth is that this is the second V8 in the last week that I have
asked for details about, and this one is close enough for me to haul a
transporter down and haul back.  

Anybody in New Jersey wanna go a look at a nice looking V8?  

Maybe I'll just go and lie down and have a nap.  Maybe I'm already dreaming,
and will wake up.

Of course last night, when I showed her the pictures of the car, my wife
pronounced it as being "horney!"...whatever that means.  (Of course we all
know that women are irresponsible about these things....).

Maybe I won't bid....


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