[V8] Thermostat COver

Stafford, Kenneth A. stafford at WPI.EDU
Mon Oct 10 20:09:05 EDT 2005

> The thermostat cover had a bunch of gunk around the hose 
> connection spot.
> When I cleaned it off, I see the rim has some chips in it.  See
> http://www.pbase.com/kneale_brownson/image/50544060    The 
> opposite side
> has similar chipping.  Should I try something like JB Weld  
> and sand it smooth or just use it like it is?

I have never taken apart a high mileage vehicle's aluminum coolant port
WITHOUT seeing some of those chips missing.  Seems to be some sort of
galvanic action.  I have always just cleaned them up as you have done and put
them back together.  Never had a problem.  Remember, the seal is under the
hose clamp; the ridge is just designed to prevent the clamp from creeping


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