[V8] MyV8Q.com Website

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Thu Sep 1 10:32:14 EDT 2005

Jeremy, you, my friend, are the man.  Plain and simple.  This list needs
to come to a collective decision wherein we all move on from the V8 at
the same time, to the same next obscure make/model (Lamborghini Jalpa,
as a random example), in order for everyone to continue to reap all its


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces+david.coleman=blackrock.com at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces+david.coleman=blackrock.com at audifans.com] 
> On Behalf Of Jeremy Ward
> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 11:14 PM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] MyV8Q.com Website
> Well gang, I finally got around to registering a domain name 
> for my website (not that wasn't a cool name!)
> Thanks to V8 Lister Torrence Thomas of 
> www.OnlineAccessCards.com, the website also has a new home as well!
> The page looks pretty much the same as it did before, but I 
> plan to make a link section right off the main page for 
> lister's individual sub-pages.  If you want a place to create 
> a V8 related webpage or just a place to throw some V8 
> pictures you can link to directly from your emails, let me 
> know and I will create a sub-folder for you.
> So far I have created the following sub pages:
> www.MyV8Q.com/pics - This is a folder containing all of the 
> pics I have sent links to in previous (and future!) emails.
> www.MyV8Q.com/DC - Dave Coleman's sub-page www.MyV8Q.com/wcj 
> - Carter's sub-page www.MyV8Q.com/Dmitry - Dmitry in Moscow's sub-page
> If you would like me to create a sub-page for you as well, 
> drop me an email and I will get it setup for you.  You are 
> welcome to create an index.asp file and drop in your 
> sub-folder that would open your personal webpage instead of 
> just listing your files.
> This website was created for the V8 Community, I hope you use it! :-)
> Cheers,
> - Jeremy
> www.MyV8Q.com  
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