September 2005 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Sep 1 00:43:24 EDT 2005
Ending: Fri Sep 30 22:23:52 EDT 2005
Messages: 467
- [V8] Ecu codes, cats
Ed Kellock
- [V8] Ecu codes, cats
Coleman, David
- [V8] Driving with Air Filter Cover Off?-now K&N, etc
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Gas hog V8's
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Rear pads - 90 V8Q
Scott Baumann / PTS Power
- [V8] Gas hog V8s
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Rear pads - 90 V8Q
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Rear pads - 90 V8Q
Coleman, David
- [V8] Ecu code, cats
Coleman, David
- [V8] Front Pads
Matthew Yip
- [V8] V8 not starting but has spark any ideas
Brian K O'Neil
- [V8] Immediate email address change
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] Website
Coleman, David
- [V8] V8 not starting but has spark any ideas
dsaad at
- [V8] Website
Korn, Bob
- [V8] Ecu code, cats
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] V8 not starting but has spark any ideas
Coleman, David
- [V8] ECU code II
Coleman, David
- [V8] ECU code II
Coleman, David
- [V8] Torn Boot Idea..? (used to be Cooling Labyrinth, used to be POP...)
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] V8QTT
- [V8] Torn Boot Idea..? (used to be Cooling Labyrinth, used to be POP...)
Coleman, David
- [V8] ECU code II
dsaad at
- [V8] ECU code II
Coleman, David
- [V8] V8QTT
Scott DeWitt
- [V8] Ecu code, cats
Scott DeWitt
- [V8] V8 Digest, Vol 23, Issue 3
Torrence Thomas (Mobile Office)
- [V8] Website
diemarthadie at
- [V8] Wrecks and Energy future
- [V8] Notice lights blinking today
Brian K O'Neil
- [V8] Notice lights blinking today
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Notice lights blinking today
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Driving with Air Filter Cover Off?-now K&N, etc
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [V8] Driving with Air Filter Cover Off?-now K&N, etc
dsaad at
- [V8] Fuel at $3 + per gallon
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] Fuel at $3 + per gallon
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Fuel at $3 + per gallon
Greg Furstenwerth
- [V8] Fuel at $3 + per gallon
Dave Head
- [V8] I found $60 worth of Change in the V8Q So I Decided to Fill My Tank
daves745t at
- [V8] Politically incorrect: Performance Issues
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] I found $60 worth of Change in the V8Q So I Decided to Fill My Tank
sdewitt at
- [V8] Performance Cats & Muffler
Coleman, David
- [V8] Performance Cats & Muffler
Ed Kellock
- [V8] Performance Cats & Muffler
Coleman, David
- [V8] Performance Cats & Muffler
sdewitt at
- [V8] I found $60 worth of Change in the V8Q So I Decided to Fill My Tank
Sscothorne at
- [V8] I found $60 worth of Change in the V8Q So I Decided to Fill My Tank
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Performance Cats & Muffler
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Gasoline Rant (con't.)
Speakoutprod at
- [V8] Fuel at $3 + per gallon
Kent McLean
- [V8] Fuel at $3 + per gallon
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] I found $60 worth of Change in the V8Q So I Decided to Fill My Tank
Kent McLean
- [V8] Gasoline Rant (con't)
michael.a.flynn at
- [V8] Fuel at $3 + per gallon
Unka Bart
- [V8] Gasoline Rant (con't)
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Binding rear wheel on sharp slow turn
Mark Kalbskopf
- [V8] Binding rear wheel on sharp slow turn
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] '93 V8
Kent McLean
- [V8] '93 V8
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] More about Cats, mixture, etc.
m35a1 at
- [V8] Binding rear wheel on sharp slow turn
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Rear Brakes - V8Q - revisited
Scott Baumann / PTS Power
- [V8] '93V8
Michael Thomas
- [V8] Rear Brakes - V8Q - revisited
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] A/C compressor-to-conderser hose seal????
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] '93 V8
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] V8's and $3 a gallon....well, sort of...
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] Rear Brakes - V8Q - revisited
Coleman, David
- [V8] Rear Brakes - V8Q - revisited
cobram at
- [V8] Rear pads - 90 V8Q
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] Rear Brakes - V8Q - revisited
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] '93 V8
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Transmission refill
pdlord at
- [V8] Rear Brakes - V8Q - revisited
Kent McLean
- [V8] Transmission refill
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Transmission refill
pdlord at
- [V8] Reluctant Bumper Cover
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Rear Brakes - revisited - conclusion
Scott Baumann / PTS Power
- [V8] Reluctant Bumper Cover
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Reluctant Bumper Cover
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Reluctant Bumper Cover
Mike Arman
- [V8] Reluctant Bumper Cover
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Reluctant Bumper Cover Resolved
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Sun roof drains
m35a1 at
- [V8] Sun roof drains
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Reluctant Bumper Cover Resolved
Dave Head
- [V8] TB Change
Stafford, Kenneth A.
- [V8] V8 4.2 brakes v. 3.6
Carter Johnson
- [V8] Car still will not start has spark and cranks just fine getting tired
Brian K O'Neil
- [V8] Car still will not start has spark and cranks just finegetting tired
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Car still will not start has spark and cranks just fine
Mike Arman
- [V8] Rough idle on start up issue
Yves Bouchard
- [V8] Car still will not start has spark and cranks just finegetting tired
Coleman, David
- [V8] TB Change
cobram at
- [V8] A/C compressor-to-conderser hose seal????
Brandon Rogers
- [V8] TB Change
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] How Much Gas?
Sscothorne at
- [V8] How Much Gas?
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga
cobram at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] AC Seal Kit
Stafford, Kenneth A.
- [V8] FLAPS - was AC Seal Kit
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] How Much Gas?
Speakoutprod at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
cobram at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Dave Head
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] Road debris
Carter Johnson
- [V8] Road Debris
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Windshield Wipers - Park Position?
SuffolkD at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
dsaad at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Korn, Bob
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Dave Head
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Ed Kellock
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Greg Furstenwerth
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Coleman, David
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Coleman, David
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga
Mike Arman
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Coleman, David
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Korn, Bob
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Coleman, David
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Ed Kellock
- [V8] FW: Timing Belt Tools-Group Buy
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] FW: Timing Belt Tools-Group Buy
Jeff Goldberg
- [V8] Road Debris
Michael Thomas
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Greg Furstenwerth
- [V8] TB Change
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
dsaad at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Tools
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
dsaad at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Anyone?
Coleman, David
- [V8] Need parts for V8
Speakoutprod at
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Timing Belt Saga 2
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Anyone?
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] door panel reassembly
John Dodd
- [V8] door panel reassembly
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Matthew Yip
- [V8] Rough idle on start up issue
Mike LaRosa
- [V8] Rough idle on start up issue
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Rough idle on start up issue
Mike LaRosa
- [V8] Performance Cats & Muffler
Coleman, David
- [V8] Cruise Control Wiring
Speakoutprod at
- [V8] Rough idle on start up issue
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Cruise Control Wiring
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] 1993 parts
- [V8] Rough idle on start up issue
Ed Kellock
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Cruise Control Wiring
dsaad at
- [V8] Cruise Control Wiring
getur at
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Ed Kellock
- [V8] Cruise Control Wiring
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Door Jamb wiring was: Cruise Control Wiring
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Door Jamb wiring was: Cruise Control Wiring
cobram at
- [V8] Cruise Control Wiring
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Anyone?
DieMarthaDie at
- [V8] Door Jamb wiring was: Cruise Control Wiring
Kent McLean
- [V8] Has this ever happened to you? Road Debris
Matthew Yip
- [V8] Wipers - FIXED!!
Matthew Yip
- [V8] Wipers - FIXED!!
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Insurance scam...what? Again! Good Grief!
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
Carter Johnson
- [V8] Front control arm Q
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] V8 Spacers
Kevin Ford
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
Korn, Bob
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
cobram at
- [V8] Front end questions
Dustin Carter
- [V8] Front end questions
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Front control arm Q
- [V8] Front control arm Q
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Front balljoint boots
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Front balljoint boots
dsaad at
- [V8] Cruise control problem solved
Speakoutprod at
- [V8] 93 V8 cheap...where's Roger Woodbury when an Audi V8 needs him the most?
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] Insurance scam...what? Again! Good Grief!
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Insurance scam...what? Again! Good Grief!
dsaad at
- [V8] UFO invasion!
Mike Arman
- [V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] UFO invasion!
Ed Kellock
- [V8] 93 V8 cheap...where's Roger Woodbury when an Audi V8 needs him the most?
diemarthadie at
- [V8] TB manufacturer and tool rental
John Dodd
- [V8] TB manufacturer and tool rental
cobram at
- [V8] 93 V8 cheap...where's Roger Woodbury when an Audi V8 needs him the most?
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] TB manufacturer and tool rental
Korn, Bob
- [V8] TB manufacturer and tool rental
Korn, Bob
- [V8] TB tool rental
John Dodd
- [V8] wheel baring's
Sscothorne at
- [V8] wheel baring's
dsaad at
- [V8] wheel baring's
Coleman, David
- [V8] Electrical Drain
bblake1055 at
- [V8] Electrical Drain
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Electrical Drain
cobram at
- [V8] Bump in the Road ...
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] wheel baring's
cobram at
- [V8] Electrical Drain
bblake1055 at
- [V8] Heater Core Question
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Bump in the Road ...
Coleman, David
- [V8] Electrical Drain
bblake1055 at
- [V8] Electrical Drain
Mike Arman
- [V8] Electrical Drain
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] Heater Core Question
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Electrical Drain
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Electrical Drain
bblake1055 at
- [V8] Electrical Drain
cobram at
- [V8] wheel baring's
dsaad at
- [V8] Electrical Drain
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Heater Core Question
dsaad at
- [V8] Bump in the Road ...
dsaad at
- [V8] Bump in the Road ...
Coleman, David
- [V8] Heater Core Question
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Heater Core Question
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Heater Core Question
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] wheel baring's
cobram at
- [V8] project car basis anyone?
diemarthadie at
- [V8] project car basis anyone?
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] project car basis anyone?
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] project car basis anyone?
Coleman, David
- [V8] project car basis anyone?
diemarthadie at
- [V8] Need some audi expertise
John Bysinger
- [V8] project car basis anyone?
dsaad at
- [V8] Need some audi expertise
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Heater Core Question
R Broberg
- [V8] Electrical Drain Solved!!
bblake1055 at
- [V8] Treser Hunter Type85
John Bysinger
- [V8] Electrical Drain Solved!!
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Need some audi expertise
Greg Furstenwerth
- [V8] Need some audi expertise
Greg Furstenwerth
- [V8] Electrical Drain Solved!!
Coleman, David
- [V8] Need some audi expertise
John Bysinger
- [V8] Need some audi expertise
Greg Furstenwerth
- [V8] Need some audi expertise
bblake1055 at
- [V8] 87.5 4KQ
Carter Johnson
- [V8] Electrical Drain Solved!!
z1sales at
- [V8] 87.5 4KQ
sdewitt at
- [V8] Electrical Drain Solved!!
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Please help - Carfax
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
diemarthadie at
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
sdewitt at
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
John Dodd
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
diemarthadie at
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
William Gutierrez
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
Dave Head
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
dsaad at
- [V8] Hyd pump banjo
michael.a.flynn at
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
Coleman, David
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
John Dodd
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
John Bysinger
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
William Gutierrez
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
Ed Kellock
- [V8] A8 or V8?
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] 4000 variants (NV8C)
SuffolkD at
- [V8] (v8)hyd pump banjo
george.fallot at
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
John Dodd
- [V8] dashboard speakers
John Dodd
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
cobram at
- [V8] dashboard speakers
cobram at
- [V8] dashboard speakers
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
Kent McLean
- [V8] dashboard speakers
Dave Head
- [V8] dashboard speakers
cobram at
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
Korn, Bob
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Audi V8 or A8
cobram at
- [V8] V8's....and how fugly new cars can be
Roger M. Woodbury
- [V8] Tie Rod end removal
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] A8 or V8?
- [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
Dave Head
- [V8] Tie Rod end removal - update
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
dsaad at
- [V8] radio display
diemarthadie at
- [V8] euro lights for V8
diemarthadie at
- [V8] radio display
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] euro lights for V8
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] V8s up for sale
- [V8] V8s up for sale
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] V8s up for sale
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] V8s up for sale
cobram at
- [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
cobram at
- [V8] radio display
dsaad at
- [V8] Selling Mine too
Z1 Performance
- [V8] Tie Rod end removal - update
Carol, Dave, and Zach Weiss
- [V8] radio display
Coleman, David
- [V8] radio display
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Limp Mode?
Speakoutprod at
- [V8] Limp Mode?
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Limp Mode?
- [V8] Limp Mode?
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] radio display
Mike Arman
- [V8] Limp Mode?
- [V8] radio display
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] 1990 V8 Battery warning
John Dohner
- [V8] radio display
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] radio display
Dave Saad
- [V8] timing belt parts list
John Dodd
- [V8] timing belt parts list
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] timing belt parts
Lou Fols
- [V8] timing belt parts
- [V8] timing belt parts list
dsaad at
- [V8] Shipping Incomplete Cars ...
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Brake fluid reservoir cap
Mark Kalbskopf
- [V8] Shipping Incomplete Cars ...
dsaad at
- [V8] Brake fluid reservoir cap
dsaad at
- [V8] Vespa???
michael.a.flynn at
- [V8] Vespa???
dsaad at
- [V8] timing belt parts list
DieMarthaDie at
- [V8] Vespa???
DieMarthaDie at
- [V8] Brake fluid reservoir cap
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Brake fluid reservoir cap
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Vespa???
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Vespa???
Charles Wurts
- [V8] Brake fluid reservoir cap
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] timing belt parts list
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] timing belt parts list
Korn, Bob
- [V8] Vespa???
Korn, Bob
- [V8] Vespa???
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Vespa???
dsaad at
- [V8] FMSI # for UFOs
Brett Dikeman
- [V8] Tracking the Beastie
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] 1993 v8 for sale in western MA?
Barnett, Alexander C
- [V8] 1993 v8 for sale in western MA?
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] (3) V8 Vespa
Campozano, Robert
- [V8] Re (6): Brake fluid reservoir cap
Campozano, Robert
- [V8] Re (6): Brake fluid reservoir cap
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] uk list members
diemarthadie at
- [V8] (3) V8 Vespa
cobram at
- [V8] Family Album
- [V8] Vespa???
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [V8] Vespa???
michael.a.flynn at
- [V8] Vespa???
dsaad at
- [V8] Vespa???
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Vespa???
Coleman, David
- [V8] Vespa???
cobram at
- [V8] Vespa???
coultl at
- [V8] Vespa???
cobram at
- [V8] Vespa???
dsaad at
- [V8] 93 V8 in Western Mass SOLD
Ron Wainwright
- [V8] Vespa???
coultl at
- [V8] My V8Q for sale (pictures and link for ad)
z1sales at
- [V8] Trans dipstick
michael.a.flynn at
- [V8] Oil filter seal ring
Mike Arman
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
Eric Devansky
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] Oil filter seal ring
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Oil filter seal ring
Kent McLean
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
Eric Devansky
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
dsaad at
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
bob moy
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
bob moy
- [V8] still need UFO pads- bounty!
Brett Dikeman
- [V8] Vespa???
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [V8] Testing RPM Sensor
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] still need UFO pads- bounty!
Mark R
- [V8] still need UFO pads- bounty!
Mark R
- [V8] Vespa???
sdewitt at
- [V8] Crank & RPM sensor diags
RockinV8Q at
- [V8] TB /harmonic balancer
John Dodd
- [V8] TB /harmonic balancer
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] thanks to all who responded about pads
Brett Dikeman
- [V8] looking for TB parts advice
John Dodd
- [V8] Tumbling Marbles
Stafford, Kenneth A.
- [V8] looking for TB parts advice
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Tumbling Marbles
dsaad at
- [V8] looking for TB parts advice
dsaad at
- [V8] looking for TB parts advice
John Dodd
- [V8] looking for TB parts advice
cobram at
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
Buchholz, Steven
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
Kent McLean
- [V8] Audi babies
Coleman, David
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
Coleman, David
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
Coleman, David
- [V8] looking for TB parts advice
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [V8] UFOs ...
- [V8] Audi babies
Eric Devansky
- [V8] Audi babies
Kent McLean
- [V8] UFOs ...
Kent McLean
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] Audi babies
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Korn, Bob
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Brake Bleeding Tool
- [V8] TB dilemma
John Dodd
- [V8] Any Northern VA / DC / MD locals on here?
Eric Devansky
- [V8] Any Northern VA / DC / MD locals on here?
Kent McLean
- [V8] TB dilemma
cobram at
- [V8] Brake Line Bleeding - Revisited.
Etdmail at
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [V8] Audi babies
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [V8] Audi babies
Coleman, David
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
Coleman, David
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
SuffolkD at
- [V8] Any Northern VA / DC / MD locals on here?
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Coleman, David
- [V8] Any Northern VA / DC / MD locals on here?
diemarthadie at
- [V8] Audi babies
diemarthadie at
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
radek at
- [V8] ADR DU-8 wheel fitment
radek at
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Coleman, David
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
cobram at
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
dsaad at
- [V8] What about Texans?
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] What about Texans?
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] ADR DU-8 wheel fitment
Joel Liggins
- [V8] Las Vagas here I come
pdlord at
- [V8] Any Northern VA / DC / MD locals on here?
Matthew Yip
- [V8] What about Texans?
Greg Furstenwerth
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Coleman, David
- [V8] Any Northern VA / DC / MD locals on here
Mark Kalbskopf
- [V8] My V8Q for sale (pictures and link for ad)
z1sales at
- [V8] Las Vagas here I come
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] Any Northern VA / DC / MD locals on here?
Eric Devansky
- [V8] UFO Brake upgrade (Porsche Boxter conversion?)
Eric Devansky
- [V8] UFO Brake upgrade (Porsche Boxter conversion?)
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] Bleeding the brakes
Korn, Bob
- [V8] What about Texans?
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] What about Texans?
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] What about Texans?
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] major oil leak
John Dodd
- [V8] major oil leak
Korn, Bob
- [V8] UFO Brake upgrade (Porsche Boxter conversion?)
Ed Kellock
- [V8] major oil leak
Kneale Brownson
- [V8] major oil leak
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] major oil leak - Audi CURSE
Jeff Goldberg
- [V8] major oil leak
Korn, Bob
- [V8] The original 5-speed 4.2's for sale
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
Klein, Nathan P
- [V8] major oil leak
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] major oil leak
Ed Kellock
- [V8] 5-speed article
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] 5-speed article
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] 5-speed article
dsaad at
- [V8] 5-speed article
Maurice Greven
- [V8] 5-speed article
Ingo Rautenberg
- [V8] 5-speed article
Tony and Lillie
- [V8] 5-speed article
Jeremy Ward
- [V8] 5-speed article
Kent McLean
- [V8] 5-speed article
Coleman, David
Last message date:
Fri Sep 30 22:23:52 EDT 2005
Archived on: Tue Oct 4 01:43:12 EDT 2005
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