[V8] Rear Brakes - V8Q - revisited

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sat Sep 3 21:58:24 EDT 2005

That POS works only if you don't mind skinning your knuckles every other
turn and if your calipers are in tip-top shape so the piston revolves
without much pressure.  I'd rather use water pump pliers and a C-clamp.  I
have the more costly version of the HF tool recommended earlier.   That
one's foolproof.

At 08:19 PM 9/3/2005 -0400, cobram at juno.com wrote:
>I don't know if it's been mentioned, but the "el cheapo deluxe" tool
>works fine too.  http://heh.pl/&1Ta <==just a reference, they're
>available at just about every FLAPS out there.

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