[V8] I found $60 worth of Change in the V8Q So I Decided to Fill My Tank

sdewitt@stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Fri Sep 2 13:31:21 EDT 2005

It's all supply and demand!! We lost something like 16 percent of the
refining capacity and 13 percent of the supply due to Katrina. I suspect
that the prices are going to settle down to a lower (although higher
than pre-hurricane) prices. We are rapidly appracing a value in which
alternative fuels will actually be more cost effective to research and
develop than petroleum fuels.

----- Original Message -----
From: daves745t at optonline.net
Date: Friday, September 2, 2005 8:58 am
Subject: [V8] I found $60 worth of Change in the V8Q So I Decided to
Fill My Tank

> Silly me for waiting until I only had a gallon or so of gas in the 
> V8Q. Premium was $3.21 at a local Shell here in Northern NJ.  The 
> Dealer had a line at all four pump islands and was chomping at the 
> bit to raise the price. He had already raised it once in the 
> morning and by NJ law you can't raise the price more than once in a 
> 24 hr. period.  The two no-name, independent dealers within a mile 
> were $3.50 and $3.70/gal. for premium. So I said fill 'er up 
> feeling like I was getting a deal! Then I proceeded to watch the 
> digital display go $40, $45, $50, $55, before shutting off at 
> $59.94.  Needless to say I'm a little more gentle on the gas 
> especially at red lights.
> Sure I'm not happy, but I'm still going to drive the V8Q. The real 
> shame is for folks (and there a lot of them) who don't have much 
> left over at the end of the month under normal conditions and/or 
> who have no choice but to drive great distances either for work or 
> to work.  Stuff like this can put people over the edge and the 
> trickle down/ripple effect will be felt throughout the economy just 
> leading to hire prices for everything, not only gasoline. And then 
> there are the opportunists (aka thieves) who are unjustly profiting 
> from the entire situation.  Here in NJ we have some of the largest 
> gasoline terminals and refineries in the country. I can't believe 
> our supply is being dramatically effected, but you'd think we were 
> a mile from Biloxi.
> Bottom line though is that I have a home to go home to and I'm not 
> worried about whether I'm going to eat a decent meal or drink a 
> glass of water.
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