[V8] Politically incorrect: Performance Issues

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Fri Sep 2 10:46:40 EDT 2005

Hey, I'm talking about the V8, silly!  Last night some wise guy in a newer
Chevy Monte Carlo SS tried to race me onto the freeway entrance ramp -- but
he was keeping up and I wasn't too happy -- of course when I let off the gas
for the suburban in front of me, he passed the suburban and cut him off to
squeeze onto the ramp -- idiot.  Playing is one thing, but bonehead moves
are quite another.

Anyhow, the V8 seemed awfully sluggish in 2nd gear and my gas mileage has
been awfully good lately.  This morning I thought maybe the TPS wasn't
telling the computer that I wanted full power when I needed it and so I
checked the TPS for corrosion - none apparent -- and put drop of deoxit on
each connecting point (six, I believe) and plugged it back in.  Then I drove
the car normally and later when it was fully warmed up, stomped on it -- 
whooiee!  That's more like it :-)

Now that's a cheap tune-up!


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