[V8] Car still will not start has spark and cranks just fine

Mike Arman armanmik at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 6 09:48:38 EDT 2005

>"Brian K O'Neil" <briankoneil at bellsouth.net>
>Subject: [V8] Car still will not start has spark and cranks just fine
>         getting tired
>Thanks! I will check everything that was suggested today.  If not she will
>on a flatbed to the doctor, hey would compression prevent car from not
>starting? Hey have look every place in the engine compartment for a lose
>connection nothing. What's really funny is I can ground a plug and see spark
>which tells me the crank sensor is allowing the distributor to at least
>provide spark the real stumper is why it will not fire lets think about this

Try a brand new set of spark plugs, especially if you have the fancy 
(expen$ive) four-electrode "official" Bosch/Audi plugs.

Autolite provides a perfect replacement for these, they are standard 
single electrode plugs that cost about a buck each at FLAPS.

I had precisely the same problem - everything checked out, had gas, 
spark, compression, no codes, but NO start. Installed the low-tech, 
old fashioned, stone age, steam powered Autolites and VROOOOMMMM!!!!!

Best Regards,

Mike Arman
90 V8, not just a car, an ADVENTURE!

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