[V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!

cobram@juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Sep 12 12:53:52 EDT 2005

Going to get a couple of S8's and RS's instead, just today I checked my
e-mail and I won 7 different lotteries and inherited 5 or 6 oil fortunes
in Nigeria, part of the funds which I will of course use to help the
trapped relatives of dead African despots remove deposited millions from
security companies.  I wonder if it's best to rent or buy the forklifts
to get those crates and crates of cash out of the containers...   The
Boys from Lagos have been busy today.

God's a kid with an ant farm, lady. He's not planning anything.

Carter Johnson <carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com> writes:
> Someone pick this up - sounds like a good deal, even
> as a parts car.  Need to know ASAP.  Please contact
> Rick (FNW at aol.com) or the other contact as soon as
> possible if you're interested.

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