[V8] V8 4.2 brakes v. 3.6

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 6 09:09:05 EDT 2005

Interestingly, I was talking with Art Sobel (sp?) who
has a modified - perhaps the first in the US - V8Q
3.6.  He bought the car new in 1990.  It has AP racing
front brakes, 17" Borbets and H&R's.  At Watkins Glen
last week, he took the car out on track - 4 laps, and
the brakes were fading, he reported.  

Having seen 200's in action on track (20V), they seem
to work well with the UFO's, but both S4's and V8's
seem to run out of brake too soon - but perhaps that's
also a function of 10.9" brakes stopping 4000lbs from
100+ mph repeatedly.  The GT (2400 lbs) runs 10.1 inch
front brakes - and I would rate those as only "good"
for the weight and speed the GT generates.


W. Carter Johnson
University of Rhode Island
401-874-4947 office
401-789-3217 home

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