[V8] Wipers - FIXED!!

Matthew Yip mgyip at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 10 20:25:08 EDT 2005

Thanks to y'all for your advice - turns out that Doc Oddy was
correct, the armature had slipped and while the wipers worked fine,
the armature was moved enough to change the park position to
eye-level.  His estimate of approx. 30 minutes was spot-on EXCEPT
that I had to do the work twice b/c I didn't tighten the bolt holding
the armature enough the first time.  

The best part was finding that the wiper motor is a reman unit with
the verbiage "Do not be alarmed if the unit smokes during operation. 
This is due to fresh paint and should disapate after one hour of
usage".  Hmm - I can just imagine telling a PAYING CUSTOMER "Sir,
it's OK - the wipers will smoke for the first hour but that's
normal".  That's like telling a British car owner that it'll leak oil
- oh wait, that IS normal.

Thanks again,

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