[V8] Road Debris

Michael Thomas irnstrw at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 7 20:39:50 EDT 2005


Too bad about the damage. I have had two occasions
similar. One I hit a piece of metal left in the road
when a pick-up or some other truck went over a RR tack
and it dropped off the back. It was completely out of
site until crossing the tracks and unavoidable.
Punched holes in the tube header collectors on an
Alfa. Insurance company paid to replace them.

Second instance in Seattle, hit a pot hole and damaged
tire and wheel. Was paid by the city (Seattle had some
kind of pothole "law" to the best of my recollection
but it could have been the county, can't remember it
was early 1990's). All I had to do was to convince
them that it was unavoidable by me, that the pothole
was there long enough to be repaired, and obviously,
that it had not been repaired.

It seems to me that I had to be persistent and ask the
right questions, and make the right statements but I
did get reimbursed without having to file an insurance

Good luck!

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