[V8] Bleeding the brakes

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Thu Sep 29 09:27:48 EDT 2005

Absolutely you can bleed the brakes w/ a friend working the pedal. The only danger is if helper buddy is too brutal when pumping, which can damage the master cylinder seals.  

I'd set the car up on 4 jackstands and pull the wheels. WD-40 all bleeders. Fill the reservoir -- I use castrol LMA but frankly any house brand dot 3 will probably suffice. Crack all the bleeders and let gravity work while you call a friend, neighbor, or mildly gifted orangutang. 

After the gravity bleed barely does anything after 40 hours of standing there, have buddy SLOWLY + GENTLY depress the pedal about 3/4 of the way down and hold. Crack the r/r caliper screw to purge, then snug back up. Buddy then gently releases. Repeat until the fresh stuff comes out. Move around the car to the left rear, r/f, then l/f.  No jumping up and down on the pedal -- just down once and hold. After all have been done, you can go back around, to the fronts at least, and do the pumping thing, albeit gently...


David A. Coleman
Sent via BlackBerry Wireless

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