[V8] Re (6): Brake fluid reservoir cap

Campozano, Robert RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net
Thu Sep 22 16:56:33 EDT 2005

Also, don't forget that if your power steering reservoir is low on
Pentosin or any other fluid you use in there you will also get the brake
light to come up and quite often if that fluid happens to be leaking
*all over the place*.  Ask me why I know...
Side note:  I replaced *all* of the power steering hoses on my car and I
am still leaking fluid.  It is almost 100% from the *new*  steering rack
I supposedly got when I bought the car but before I even go there, is
there any other hose or fittings I should look for leaks coming out of
from the passenger side of the rack?  Let me know.
Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
rcampozano at MGMMirage.net
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:21:55 -0700
From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>
Subject: Re: [V8] Brake fluid reservoir cap
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
... please note that the cap is not intended to be airtight even if it
is not cracked.  As you depress and release the brake (and clutch ;-) a
little air is drawn in and released from the reservoir.  As long as your
reservoir still has that filter/cup under the cap I would not tend to
blame a cracked cap for a loss of fluid.  
Remember also that as the brake pads wear more fluid naturally ends up
in the calipers ... so you should expect the level to dip long term even
when everything is working perfectly ... 
Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> After the instrument brake light started flashing on and off 
> occasionally this last week, I noticed that my brake fluid was lower 
> than it should be.
> The yellow cap to the reservoir has split so it's no longer airtight.
> Anyone have an old cap they'd like to sell me?

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