[V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!

dsaad@icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Sep 19 12:18:07 EDT 2005

... And there is a multi port vacuum connector on the passenger side.
Quick recap from memory (so I might miss something)

-> from inside the car, remove both foot well and defroster ducts. (both sides)
-> aforementioned vacuum connector

under the hood:

-> I choose to remove the hood. It is easy and makes access so much easier, but
you need three people.

-> remove rain diverter
-> remove wipers and motor assembly - and remove the plastic nut from the body
that the wiper assy bolts too. I broke mine when pulling out the heater box.
-> remove the heater box hold down band
-> slide back the accordian boot
-> disconnect all wires and hoses to heater box
-> get the A/C line out of the way - I removed the clamp at the driver fender to
give more wiggle room
-> I removed the boot/clamp thingy that the engine wireing harness and heater
hoses go through. It gives you a little more wiggle room. You also want to have
a good look at the heater hoses. They are really expensive, but if they are old
you may as well get this over and done with now. Ditto for the blower motor. You
can see the brushes so either figure out how to replace them or get a new

-> with every thing disconnected and out of the way, you are ready to pry up the
box. It is basically glued in so use slow even pressure and don't break
anything. I found that as I got it to budge up, I would stuff a small block of
wood under the gap to hold it up. That helped.

-> remove the heater flap motor and e-clip
-> remove any screws for the case or flaps
-> remove the case clips

On re-assembly - pay close atttention to the screws and e-clips holding the box
together. It wouldn't hurt to mark the box.

I had to cut the box a little to get the new (made in china) heater core to fit.

The core is set in silicone. I used that spray foam stuff instead. Don't know if
that was genius or stupid yet. Time will tell.

Replace the weather seal either with the real OEM part or I just used weather
strip foam from the parts store. You will have a bad water leak if you don't do
this right.

I have never seen the infamous "steak knife method", but there is no need to
break or cut anything in this process. It is a PITA, but definately a DIY job
that will save you some money.


Quoting Dave Head <v8q at bellsouth.net>:

> Remove both cardboard under-dash covers (both footwells). You will need
> to disconnect the footwell light on the driver's side. On the outside of
> each side of the trans tunnel you will see 2 1/2" (or so) plastic piping
> in a 'J' type configuration. Both of these need to be removed. There are
> screws on each that attach them to the heater box assembly body. Once
> the screws are removed you can 'manuever' them out.
> Down low in the center of the tunnel right at the carpet there is a
> rubber connector that is essentially a long oval. There are rubber tabs
> on each side. Pull outward and back on them to disconnect the rubber
> connector. Not a whole lot of clearance. Fun part is getting it back on
> when yer done...
> Klein, Nathan P wrote:
> >I didn't disconnect anything in the cabin.  I just followed what the big
> >4-volume manual instructed for heater box removal (section 87.70, I
> >believe) - basically, simply remove the obstructions and remove the
> >heater box.  They make it seem so easy!
> >
> >How would I get to the plastic connector pipes?
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Dave Head [mailto:v8q at bellsouth.net]
> >Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 8:25 AM
> >To: Klein, Nathan P
> >Subject: Re: [V8] Heater Box Removal....AAGH!!!
> >
> >Did you disconnect the dash piping connections in the car? There a
> >rubber connection and two hard plastic connector pipes that have to be
> >removed...
> >
> >Klein, Nathan P wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Anyway, I've removed all of the obstructions to the box (hoses,
> >>windshield wiper assembly, etc.) and can only lift it up a few inches.
> >>
> >>Either I'm missing a step or I need Herculean strength to get the box
> >>out.  I don't think it's the latter.
> >>What to do?  Any ideas?  I've got to get her going again...
> >>
> >>Thanks in advance!
> >>Nathan
> >>
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