[V8] Tumbling Marbles

Stafford, Kenneth A. stafford at WPI.EDU
Tue Sep 27 09:13:43 EDT 2005

> Be sure to change the oil pump bearing as these get noisey.
> Lou
> Yeah,I found this out the hard way.....finished the TB job 
> and no more than
> 5 miles later it was (and still is) making an awful racket. I 
> have no ambition to go back in there and replace it. Sounds 
> like marbles tumbling about......oh well.
>  john

Guys, is this the rattling sound that mine makes?  Mine's as quite as a mouse
until it warms up and then it sounds like a diesel when idling--and it seemed
to happen right after I changed the TB a couple of years ago.  The old pump
bearing felt fine when hand spinning it.  I recently took both the covers off
to check the belt tensioning--fixed a partially seized tensioning system--but
the rattle is still there.  BTW, having done it twice now, it doesn't seem to
be such a daunting task to do a TB job (of course I don't bother with
removing the radiator, front bumper, or dizzies).


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